
Season finale predictions

NOTE: These predictions were originally written on May 15 at 8:45 a.m., several hours before the show aired. I'm just sayin'...

*Jim/Pam engagement? No. Honestly, I think they are going to cliffhang the crap out of this one. I hope I'm wrong, but I am very worried.

*Angela/Dwight reunion? Yes. I think their afternoon alone in the office last week yielded more results than we saw on camera. I think more will be revealed.

*Ryan going down? Oh yeah! Big time. Whether it's for the drug problem or his shitty job as manager, I think his butt will get canned.

*Jan? Roy? Other surprises? Yeah, I can see Jan showing up, begging Michael to take her back. Roy...eh, maybe/maybe not. It would be an interesting twist though, wouldn't it? I definitely don't think Pam would break up with Jim or anything, but I could see some kind of weird misunderstanding involving Roy leading to a big Jim/Pam fight. Beyond that, I predict that Michael is going to show interest in the new H/R lady...oh and that we will NOT know anything more about the spinoff when the show is over than we do now.

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