
Thoughts on Goodbye, Toby

Well. That was one crazy episode. I needed some quiet meditation time on that one. Like in yoga...or is that Yoda?

Jim/Pam: Despite my prediction of no engagement, I was still frickin' disappointed. I really wanted to be wrong. That look on Jim's face when he said "I am going to propose tonight. Holy crap!"? Priceless. Amazing. And then when he kissed her on top of the head? And that "Hey" right before he almost proposed? Oh my God!! I tried to figure out how I could actually climb into the TV screen and become Pam. I mean...just...seriously, how could any sane heterosexual woman not love Jim Halpert at that moment? But alas, the proposal didn't happen (Dammit, Andy!).

So that leaves us with this design school thing. Folks, I'm worried. Everything's going great for Jim & Pam. It's all love and hearts and all the wonderfulness we've always wanted. He's got the ring and he's gonna propose, but the plot is foiled (Dammit Andy!). So what are we left with for the summer hiatus? A non proposal (Dammit Andy!), a disappointed Pam, a 3-month separation, and Pam seeing this whole new life, in this whole new atmosphere, with a whole new group of people. I. Smell. Trouble. Yep, hate to say it, but I think when they come back in September, we'll see that the time apart, the missing proposal (Dammit Andy!) and the changes in their lives have caused some major tension in their relationship...

...or they'll be fine because Jim was offered Ryan's job at corporate and followed Pam to New York.

Holly: I really, really, really like her. A LOT!! She's sweet, warm, intelligent, and is the first person to not only tolerate Michael's "quirks", but also balance him out and bring him back down to Earth with the rest of us normal human adults. She likes him for who he is and she's not trying to control/change him like Jan did. She and Michael have the potential to form a genuine deep connection. It could be "the thing" I've been hoping would knock Michael down a few pegs. She also seems like she will make an excellent H/R rep - the perfect balance of professionalism and compassion.

Michael/Jan: That bitch!! I'm sorry, but screw her! Seriously. A sperm bank? Because Michael's DNA isn't good enough for you? You pompous psychotic loser! Get over yourself.

Whew. Now that I got that out of my system...

I know what Michael is doing, but...what is Michael DOING? Obviously he sees this as his one and only last chance to be a father, but c'mon! Wouldn't he rather not be a father at all than "sort of a daddy" to someone else's baby? And you know that won't last for long. Jan will use Michael for whatever she needs from him at the beginning - a lamaze coach, help when the baby is first born, maybe some babysitting - then kick him to the curb when his purpose has been served...leaving him absolutely heartbroken. Ick, ick, ick. Just all sorts of bad.

Andy/Angela/Dwight: Well, first of all...um...who's the office mattress?? Excuse me, Ms. Martin. She who is without sin may cast the first stone...or condom.

Whew. Now that I got that out of my system...

I feel like Andy sees dating & marrying Angela as just another thing he's "supposed" to do in life, you know? Remember his first day in Scranton, when he told the camera his grand plan for advancement in the company with "name repetition and personality mirroring"? He's all about advancing his status in life. He's been carrying around an engagement ring in his wallet for six years waiting for the right moment. Who does that? Someone who is just gonna pop the question to the first person who fits into his "plan", that's who. When Angela dumps him (which she eventually will) I think he'll be more upset that his plan was thrown off course than broken-hearted over losing Angela.

As for the Bible-thumping slut and her extra curricular activities... Well, as I said before, I think more happened last week after the cameras stopped rolling. I don't believe they just happened to start rubbing uglies for the first time that night. I suppose we can conclude that they talked, then kissed, then re-consumated their relationship all over the foam peanuts in the warehouse. And then...? Angela said let's keep it a secret? Angela said it was a one-time thing? WHAT?!

So how's this one going to play out? Will Angela plan the wedding right up to the end and then pull a Pam and call it off? Will she dump Andy over the summer and openly date Dwight? Will Phyllis hold this juicy piece of info over Anglea's head and blackmail the hell out of her? Should be interesting.

Ryan "He used to be the temp here...and now he's inmate #11275" Howard: Yeah!! Have fun behind bars, you weasel! You're a pretty boy, so you'll be somebody's bitch within the first 5 minutes. You'll be da bell of da ball. Good luck with that.

Whew. Now that I got that out of my system...

I wasn't expecting him to get arrested. I thought he'd just get fired, so that was a fun bonus. I'd love to know who posted the video on YouTube and sent it to Jim. That was the best part! And I loved how Creed kept referring to him as "The temp" and "The kid". Awesome!

Best moments/quotes:
*"If the devil exploded and evil were gone forever, what sort of party would you have?"
*The entire Jim/Michael conversation, especially Michael's "N3-P's" and "CD mix tape"
*"I am going to propose tonight. Holy crap!"
*Both of Jim's voice mails for Ryan
*Everything about Kevin from start to finish. "I do the numbers" and "I am totally gonna bang Holly".
*"You cheated on me when I specifically asked you not to?"
*Jim's kiss on Pam's head
*Dwight: "Well, it's my own fault" (Has to be THE MOST human moment Dwight's ever had...and I think the first time he's ever really acknowledged to the camera that they had a relationship)
*And of course the hot & steamy Angela/Dwight action up against the accounting files.

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